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We can do it! But what should we really do?  International womans day  >>>>>

TTIP, CETA, NAFTA - Freier Handel, den wir nicht meinen  >>>>

Das Hundeschlachtfest in Yulin und die Hundefleischindustrie in China beenden > Bitte Petitionen unterschreiben!     >>

Der heilige Geist kommt auf die Erde - wo ist er?  Glosse 4 you  15.5.2016   >>

Petitionen für Natur und Tiere helfen. Helfen Sie mit! Helft mit!  15.4. 2016   >>

Tierarzneimittel in Böden und Gewässern - mehr als Umweltfrust   >> 

    UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris vom 30.11. -     11.12.   2015  >>

So gut ist Fleischverzicht für unsere Umwelt - kurz und knackig Zahlen und                         Fakten     >>

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Book Presentation - Action

Stanislawski - Theaterarbeit nach System.

Kritische Studien zu einer Legende  von Karin Jansen

Wiss.-historisches Fachbuch Berlin, Wien, New York 1995   -  timeless up to date


 Stanislawski - Theater- arbeit nach System von Karin JansenStanislawski - Theater- arbeit nach System von Karin Jansen  This textbook shows the development as well as the fundamentals of the "system", the methods of drama pedagogy of the director, actor and creativity researcher Konstantin S. Stanislawski, both scientifically founded and clearly described.

The right book especially for those who are interested in history as well as social and political changes. More information here.

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The book is currently available in German only.

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Everything veggie or what?

Platon und Aristoteles, aus der Freske Schule von Athen, von Raffael, Foto C. MayPlaton und Aristoteles, aus der Freske Schule von Athen, von Raffael, Foto C. May


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ETick  1  Everything veggie or what?

by Karin Jansen

To the sitemap of Mission EThics



Vegetarianism is a wonderful example to show that not all major problems require complicated or costly solutions. Vegetarianism is one of the most important contributions to the preservation of life on earth. That's what Albert Einstein should have said too. When and where, that is unfortunately not proven.

It is certain that Einstein at times, and especially in the last year of his life, but probably for health reasons, was a vegetarian. And once he let be known, that he always had "a slightly bad conscience" when eating meat. I think that's very nice, that he felt so sensitive. And one thing is certain too: this statement, according to which vegetarianism is necessary for human survival, is very up to date and has it's full permission.



The fact that there are a large number of strong arguments for the vegetarian and  for the vegan diet is proven not only by the confessions of famous extraordinarily creative and ingenious people from various epochs and cultures. From the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras to the universal genius Leonardo Vinci, to Voltaire, Wilhelm Busch, Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi. In our modern times with Albert Schweitzer. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation is engaged in great articles and campaigns for the vegan lifestyle and the abolition of mass animal husbandry. Many people from the artistic professions were or are vegetarians or vegans such as Brigitte Bardoux, Doris Day, Dustin Hoffmann, Peter Brook, Natassja Kinski, Ruth Maria Kubitschek, Nina Hagen, just to name a few.

Also some media and especially the science provide numerous proofs and studies that vegetarian and particularly the vegan nutrition are just as healthy as climate-friendly.

The fact that the conversion to a plant-based diet or the reduction of meat consumption plays a significant role in climate protection, not only makes the following video clear: So good is meat renunciation for our environment - in a nutshell. Visit as well my Twitter MiniBlog Karin's staph for more information.





The vegetarian way of life is not new

There have always been some vegetarians in European culture, who lived this out of ethical conviction. For the first time, we find evidence of this for the era of antiquity in Greece. With the age of industrialization, a renewed interest in the vegetarian way of life increased again.

In recent years, however, we have reached a completely new dimension in Europe and the Western world. Not only popular campaigns like Paul Mc Cartney's  Meat-Free-Monday testify to this, making it clear that there are many good reasons to stop eating meat. The shelves of grocery stores are increasingly filling up with vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes, and the trend is still upward. Veganism has arrived in the 21st century.

Even if this diet does not only have followers and you, who may be (still) skeptical about reading this and, not to forget, meat and dairy industry are trying to counter this trend:  But the plant-based meat and milk alternatives have improved so much in terms of quantity and quality that restaurants and refectories are increasingly offering vegan food, making the herbal meals inquisitive and often convincing. Today, this diet is a simple and enjoyable affair that every human being literally has in their own hands.


Personal change is necessary,

veganism becomes more important today


If we wait until politics fixes things, it's too late. Not least the horrific heat waves of summer 2018 show that.   The staph training stands for personal change towards an ethical, healthy and self-determined life and work environment. That's what it's all about here, with many different practical possibilities that can be presented to you on this website, in the various blogs and in courses or lectures.

Vegetarianism and veganism I consider essential. However, it is also about ethics in their diversity, creativity and health, and as well personal freedom based on philosophical and scientific knowledge. It is about being able to live up to the many challenges of our lives in the 21st century: more self-determination and personal development in harmony with environment and nature, and not least with animals.


An ethical foreword in increasingly windy times

Coming soon

EThics  2:  Modern people in transition  *to pay with PayPal

EThics  3:  Self-determination  *to pay with PayPal



© German language Dez. 2014, update Februar 2015, update August  2015, update Februar 2016,

Update and translation August 2018 Karin Jansen.

All rights reserved.



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